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Assessment is a continuous process, every lesson your child partakes in their progress is monitored and precision teaching ensures any misconceptions or lack of understanding is addressed as quickly as possible. In addition to this there are three formative  assessment points each year to track progress an attainment  against the national curriculum. This data is analysed and quality first teaching alongside  targeted interventions addresses any gaps in learning.


Statutory assessment

Statutory assessment plays an important role in ensuring that every child is supported to leave primary school prepared to succeed. Our primary assessment system helps teachers to raise standards, and to give every child the best chance to master reading, writing and arithmetic, which are fundamental in preparing them for secondary school.


The government sets a clear expected standard that pupils should attain by the end of primary school, and that this standard is ambitious, to ensure schools support all pupils to achieve their potential, regardless of their background. 


There are certain statutory assessment points:

  • End of foundation stage,
  • Year 1 phonics and retakes,
  • End of Key stage 1
  • Year 4 times tables check 
  • End of Key Stage 2


Year group Statutory Assessment
ReceptionEarly years foundation stage profile (EYFSP): The profile summarises and describes pupil attainment at the end of the early years foundation stage.  Individual pupil data is used to understand individual education and development needs and to support transition to year 1.
Year 1Phonics screening check: A light-touch, statutory screening check administered by teachers. The check assesses a pupil’s phonics decoding ability to identify pupils needing additional support. Pupils who do not meet the required standard are required to re-sit in year 2.
Year 2End of key stage 1 national curriculum assessments: Teacher assessment judgements are currently made using interim teacher assessment frameworks and reported in mathematics, English reading (informed by internally-marked national curriculum tests), science and English writing. These teacher assessments are externally moderated by local authorities, who sample 25% of schools each year. These assessments form the baseline for measuring progress made between key stage 1 and key stage 2. There is currently an optional test in English grammar, punctuation and spelling at the end of key stage 1.
Year 4

Multiplication tables check: The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils. These assessments are administered during a set nationally agreed time frame. It is carried out electronically through the course of the normal school day.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

Year 6

End of key stage 2 national curriculum assessments: Pupils sit externally-marked tests in mathematics, English reading, and English grammar, punctuation and spelling. Teacher assessment judgements are made in English reading, English writing, mathematics and science.

National curriculum test data in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, and teacher assessment judgements in English reading, mathematics and science are published at national and local authority level.


If you would like more information about any subject, please check the curriculum pages or please arrange a meeting with school to gain appropriate information or to arrange a meeting with the co-ordinator.
