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‘Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and ability to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.’


At Pinders PrimarySchool, we ensure a positive, aspirational ethos pervades at all times. We are committed to high standards of conduct from all our community. To this end, all stakeholders have developed and agreed a comprehensive behaviour policy (available from the school). Key drivers for this are a ‘Praise and Reward ’ and a ‘Consequences’, which are detailed in this policy.


Promoting Positive Behaviours

Research suggests that especially with primary aged children, reaffirming positive behaviour that the child is already doing, is cognitively far easier to conceptualise than telling the child to behave in a way that they are not currently doing. Last year, Pinders Primary School logged nearly 69,000 behaviours and 93.76% of them were positive behaviours. 

Trackit Lights

We use a whole school consistent approach to behaviour called Trackit-Lights. Trackit-Lights is used and linked to all areas of the curriculum, not just behaviour. Trackit-Lights has four sections, red, green, orange and yellow. All children start the day anew and can earn green points for specific behaviour-related praise reasons.

Unacceptable behaviours will result in an orange warning on Trackit-Lights and if this continues a yellow warning will be issued. If a child persists or displays behaviour which is serious a red warning will be issued via Trackit-Lights. 

Using Trackit Lights, Pinders Primary School have been able to customise the green behaviours icons to their school values and Golden Rules, as well as other positive behaviours such as contributing well and working hard. These visual icons are displayed on the board every time a positive behaviour and class point is awarded to a pupil. This gives the pupils instant recognition for positive behaviour and helps them continuously visualise, internalise and memorise the school values and learning behaviours. At the same time, the behaviour is automatically logged into their easy to use school-wide behaviour tracker which tracks everything. 


Restorative Support

At Pinders Primary, if behaviour escalates beyond low-level, a member of staff discusses this with the pupil and guides them through a Restorative process. The focus is to help the child reflect on the thoughts and feelings that are driving the behaviour, but also the consequences of their behaviour and how it has affected others. The goal is to identify any needs of the pupil, identify strategies to resolve and repair the issue and equip the pupil with the self-awareness to regulate their own behaviour moving forwards.

Using Trackit Lights, the staff members can see every low-level behaviour logged in class, or break times, and how it has escalated. They can see the time of each log, what the specific behaviour was. 


Trackit Lights also helps senior leaders do termly analysis that visually highlights any pupils who have high levels of challenging behaviour and then they are able to put additional interventions in place such as Individual Behaviour Plans, meetings with parents, and follow up meetings to reflect on strategies. This is shared with Governors and provides  them with evidence that the school knows exactly where any problem areas are and that the school is responding accordingly.




Every child deserves the chance to be noticed for doing the right thing and making good choices and every child deserves the chance to be shown that good things happen when they  make good choices. Therefore we use a range of rewards across school:



Every time a pupil is given a class point on the board in their lessons, it is automatically added to their points in Trackit Lights. When a pupil earns 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 points they receive certificates.



100 points = Bronze certificate

200 points = Silver certificate 

300 points = Gold certificate

400 points = Platinum certificate

500 points = Diamond certificate

600 points = Rainbow certificate



Other Praise and Rewards

  • Class awards
  • Verbal praise from an adult
  • Stickers
  • Headteacher sticker
  • Applause
  • Verbal praise from a friend
  • Standing up in assembly
  • Gestures, eg. smiles
  • Badges /award pins
  • Positive comments in school books
  • Certificates and prizes
  • Star of the Week award


Consequences and sanctions

When a pupil’s behaviour does need challenging, we use Trackit Lights to log low-level behaviour and give visual warnings to help the pupil visualise the behaviour policy and the expectations of the classroom. Class teachers give a verbal warning to a child who is not following the School Rules or making good behaviour choices. This warning encourages the child to stop what they are doing and reflect on how they can improve. After two verbal warnings, the teacher will issue a yellow light which is recorded on Trackit Lights. Children are encouraged to make a positive change in their behaviour so that they don't end the day on yellow. 


If a child’s behaviour is so serious that it is considered extreme then a child may receive a red light. It is recorded on Trackit Lights and parents are notified as this is considered unacceptable behaviour, senior leaders and behaviour support can see this instantly appear in their reports and email notifications inform them of the pupil, class and behaviour. If necessary, SLT can then visit the class and have a Restorative chat to nip the behaviour in the bud and stop it escalating any further. This provides teachers with extra support and it allows the behaviour to be dealt with more restoratively before reaching the point of a sanction.


Every day is a new day. No child will be treated differently because of a choice they made on a previous day. It is very important that all children recognise that they have a fresh start and a new opportunity to have a green light day. 

The school uses sanctions as a last resort, but avoids them if other strategies can be used. Sanctions can include moving seats within the class, loss of break time, referral to the Headteacher or behaviour/inclusion team. When an extreme incident is logged, an incident form is generated automatically from the system and the pupil’s name, teachers, class, date, time and all the lead up behaviour is input into the form. The teacher can then add additional information and on completion, the form is instantly inputted into their safeguarding system using the Trackit Lights integrations. This allows the school to see all their behaviour issues along-side their safeguarding issues. 


Sanctions Ladder

  • Reminders: eye contact, facial expression, gestures
  • Verbal warning
  • Reflection – Time Out
  • Class teacher speaks to parent/guardian.
  • Pupil is sent to Senior Leader for repeated misbehaviour, or at initial stage if misbehaviour is serious
  • SLT speaks to parent/guardian
  • Parent invited to meeting with Senior Leader to decide on action plan
  • Pupil on daily report to Senior Leader
  • Governors informed of misbehaviour
  • Final warning given to pupil and parent
  • Exclusion – fixed term

Working Together - Parental Support

Encouraging excellent behaviour is a priority for our school, but of course we need parental support to ensure that children understand the system and want to behave well at school and at home.


We believe that school and parents working together can positively impact on a child's behaviour. Teachers will speak honestly, but positively with you about your child's behaviour. They may share strategies and ask for your input in putting together behaviour plans. Equally, teachers are more than happy to give advice and support to you. 
