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Class Teacher: Miss Vicky Mapp

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs RebeccaTaylor

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Naheed Abrar

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Anna Kadir (mornings)

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Donna Mawdsley (mornings)

Learning Support Assistant: Ms Jenny Cawley (afternoons)

Mrs Caroline Brookes will teach Year 1 on Monday afternoons.



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  • Please bring your PE kits to school on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. Don't forget your trainers!
  • Please listen to your child read their reading book every day. Can your child read the book using their phonic knowledge and skills? Can they answer questions about what they have read? If you feel that your child's reading book is ready to be changed, please ask your child to place their book in the red tray which is located in the cloakroom inside the classroom.
  • Homework will be given out on Fridays (maths and spellings). Homework books must be put in the tray in the cloakroom by Wednesday each week.
  • Children will take their water bottles home every Friday to be washed. They can bring them back to school on Mondays.





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100% Attendance


Well done to all the children in Year 1 who had 100% attendance last half term!




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This half term's Year 1 'Star Writer' is...







What are we learning about in Year 1?



Don't forget...



The phonics screening check will take place in the second week back after half term (w/c Monday 11th June). Any questions please come and speak to Miss Mapp!



Paddington Bear's Travels


Where will Paddington visit?



Our topic next half term will be Paddington Bear's Travels. We will be learning about and describing different places, packing a suitcase for hot and cold places and writing a postcard, a travel brochure and a story about Paddington's travels!


Home learning


During half term can your child find out about a continent using the internet or visiting Wakefield library? They can then create a travel brochure for that continent!







We kicked off the summer term with our whole school 'Aspirations' fortnight. Year 1 children thought about growing up and what they would like to be when they grow up. They researched the occupation they would like to do and wrote about it for our own class book!

Primary Futures day




For the rest of the half term we have been learning all about animals. We read the story 'Where The Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak and wrote our own stories based on this! We created our own 'wild things' using a computer program, found out where different animals live (naming the continents and oceans of the world) and named a variety of different animals and how they obtain their food.

Royal wedding reward time



We ended our learning about animals by visiting the 'Yorkshire Wildlife Park!' Take a look at our fantastic trip...



The last week of the half term was art week at Pinders. In Year 1 we focussed on the artist Andy Goldsworthy who creates all his art work outside using natural materials. We created a piece of art using grass and leaves! Our work will be sold in our art gallery after half term for parents/carers to purchase!



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Book week


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We began this half term with our whole school book week! The book we will shared in our class during this week was 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. We created our own stories based on this book - using adjectives to describe our own monsters!


Our Local Area


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After book week our topic this half term has been our local area. We went on a walk of our local area, found where we live on a map of the UK and named the countries, talked about the facilities a town/city needs, looked at photographs of Wakefield in the past and compared to now, looked at the work of the artist L. S. Lowry and created our own piece of art based on his work and wrote a letter telling a friend all about Wakefield!


Image result for mathsIn maths this half term we have learnt about divison and multiplication.

Sharing the chocolates into equal groups.



Image result for science In science we have continued our learning about humans.


Experimenting using our sense of taste and sight!



The Great Fire of London


This half term we have been learning about the Great Fire of London. We have done lots of writing around this topic. We have done some poetry work, writing some great riddles about fire and learnt about Samuel Pepys' diary and had a go at writing our own. We also wrote a report about the fire as well as imagining we were Thomas Farriner and wrote a letter to King Charles, apologising for the fire.


During topic lessons we have learnt many different facts about the Great Fire of London, including where and how it started and how fire fighting techniques were very different in 1666. We have also done lots of exciting artwork this half term. We have done made pictures of the fire, using different materials and we had a go at painting boxes to look like Tudor houses.


Here are some photos of the work we have done this half term.


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This term have been learning about Pirates - we have read about them, written our own descriptions of pirates and been on an imaginary adventure to a treasure island.  Year 1 have also learnt about islands, the different features on islands and how they are shown on a map. 


As part of our science this term we have been investigating different materials, their properties and how different materials are more suited for specific purposes.  


In maths this term we have been looking at place value and learning how to add and subtract numbers up to 20!


Useful Websites
