Home Page

Y3 - 3B



Welcome to Year 3 and the start to our KS2 journey!

On this page you will find information about our class and details about the exciting things we are learning in 3B.


Don't forget to also look up our Twitter ......... we try to put photographs on regularly.



Attendance and punctuality matter!

Missed minutes = missed learning = missed opportunities!

Good attendance means ..... the best best chance of success so EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS!


Meet the Year 3 Team


Y3 Class Teacher: Mrs Bedford


Y3 Learning Support Assistant: Ms Akram

Y3 Learning Support Assistant: Ms Brookes 

Y3 Volunteer (Wednesdays & Thursdays): Mrs Hussain




* On  a Tuesday afternoon Mrs Baines will teach RE in Y3 to allow Mrs Bedford to time to complete her Senior Leadership duties within school.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything regarding your child in school.


Thank you,

Mrs Bedford and all the Y3 team.

Year 3's Star Writers


                Spring 2: Eliana


For improved writing.

 100% attenders - Spring Term 1

In Y3, 63% (19 children) attended school every day during Spring Term 1 - well done Y3!


Our 100% attenders since September



Spring Term Topics


 In Humanities this term, we will be learning to use  maps, atlases and globes  to locate countries and describe features studied; use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area and identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zone. 


In English this term, we will be reading and working on different Y3 English skills linked to the book



In Maths this half term, we will be investigating and learning about:

 * Addition & Subtraction methods

 * Multiplication and division methods


Our Science topic this term is Our bodies. We will be investigating how our muscles work; finding out about our diets, teeth and bones and finding out about food chains.


This term, our art lessons will be linked with our Geography topic on the UK. We will be investigating and learning about different British Artists, architects and designers such as:  Gainsborough, Sonia Boyce, Lucien Freud, Howard Hodgkin and Anish Kapoor.



During the 2nd half of this Spring term, our design & technology learning will be about bread. We will be investigating, designing, making and evaluating bread.




This term, we will be learning how to say numbers to 20 in French and how to  incorporate these numbers in simple French commands.



This term in Religious Education lessons, we will be investigating and discussing the question: 

What difference does commitment to a religion make?




In Y3 computing lessons this term, our topic is multimedia. We will be learning how to combine data, text, graphics, video and sound using different technology.


 In music this half term, we will be working Wakefield Music Service and learning how to play the Ukulele, an instrument which originated in Hawaii and is a member of the lute family.

Next terms topic:


Important Information



We currently have PE twice a week.

noIndoor PE is on a Monday - dance this term

noOutdoor PE is on a Wednesday - Rugby this term

Please make sure you have the correct kit.






noWe set Maths homework once a week on a Thursday which is due the following Monday.



 noReading is still an important part of our homework, we aim to change our  

                                     reading books once a week so your child need to read to an adult at home on a

                                     regular basis!

                                          noEach week your child will have 10 common spellings or words with          

                                    common spelling patterns in which they need to learn using the

                                    look, cover, write, check technique we demonstrate in school.

                                    Here are the spellings for Year 3 for this half term:




Year 3 Wider curriculum opportunitites


In Year 3 we aim to provide the children with experience of a rich variety of environments which contribute to making learning enjoyable and that serve to extend and consolidate their learning.


Upcoming Year 3 educational visits include:


