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Y5 - 5C

Welcome to the Year 5 class page.

On this page you will find our class information as well as details on the amazing and exciting subjects we will be learning about.
Follow us @PindersPrimary on Twitter to see photographs and videos on what's happening throughout our school.

Meet the Year 5 team.


Y5 class teacher: Miss Coleman


Y5 Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Hinchcliffe

Y5 Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Burkinshaw

Y5 Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Smithson 

Y5 Learning Support assistant: Ms Cawley


On a Thursday afternoon, Mrs Baines will teach R.E followed by Mrs Brookes, who will teach P.E.

On a Friday afternoon, Mrs Baines will teach French and Spelling.


Please do not hesitate to contact any of the adults in Year 5 for any information regarding your child in school.


Long term planning.

Autumn Term Topics


In history this term Year 5 will start off by looking at ancient warfare in Greece, focussing on the Spartan warrior way of life. We will then move through the times of warfare to look at World War I and World War II.




In English we will be linking our writing to Spartans soldiers, battling for their state and British soldiers fighting for freedom during Wold War I and World War II. We will cover a range of genres of writing including; newspaper articles, narratives, persuasive writing, tetractys poetry, flashback stories, letter writing and acrostic poetry. 


In Maths this term, we will be focusing on investigating and learning about; 

Place value

Addition and Subtraction

                        Multiplication and Division



Throughout the Autumn term Year 5 will be investigating light, learning all about how light travels and enables us to see objects. We will be researching and gaining knowledge about animals and their natural habitats. 




As part of our topic this term we will be looking at the art work of Henry Moore and replicating some of his war inspired work named 'Shelter'. 




     Throughout Autumn term, we will be learning how to name different foods and state our      likes and disklikes. 



 Our focus this term for R.E will be Hinduism. 




We are extremely fortunate to have a member of the Wakefield Music Services working with Year 5 this term. We will be learning about Samba and creating our own grooves using Samba instruments such as the agogô and tamborims. 


Spring Term Topics


In geography this term, Year 5 will be learning about natural disasters around the world.     We will be looking at the causes of these disatsers and finding out about how the layers of the Earth can impact upon these. 

In English, we will be linking our writing to natural disasters. We will cover a range of genres of writing including: explanation texts, diary entries, newspaper reports, narratives, non- chronological reports and iambic pentameter poetry. 


In Maths this term, we will be focusing on investigating and learning about; 




Throughout the Spring term, Year 5 will be investigating forces, learning all about the impact of different forces. 

As part of our topic this term we will be looking at the art work of Hokusai and replicating some of his wave inspired work named 'The Great Wave'. 


Throughout Spring term, we will be learning how to name ways to travel. We will be learning to speak about different ways we might choose to travel and what things we might take with us when we travel. 

Throughout Srping term, year 5 will be learning about Buddhism.




Year 5's 100% attenders for the first half term.

The Year 5 star writer for this half term was Aleem- well done Aleem, keep up the hard work!

Year 5 Educational Visits


In order to consolidate our learning, we I'm to provide pupils with a variety of learning environments and experiences. Educational visits contribute to an enjoyable and varied learning journey, offering hands on involvement within our study. 


Upcoming Year 5 visits include:


17th October 2017 - Year 5 and 6 visit to Eden Camp.


As part of our Poppies, Peace and Power topic we will be spending the day at Eden Camp in Malton. During the visit children will be transported back in time to experience the sights, sounds and smells of wartime in Britain.


6th December 2017

As part of our festive celebration, the whole school will be visiting Wakefield Theatre to watch the Aladdin pantomime. 


14th February 2018

We have been offered the opportunity to visit to the new West Yorkshire History Centre, in Wakefield city centre. Whilst visiting the centre Year 5 will have the opportunity to look around the conservation studio and take part in some experiments.


1st March 2018

This year, both Year 5 and Year 6 will be going on residential together. We are extremely excited to be visiting our capital city, London. Whilst in London we will be visiting the theatre to watch the West End musical Aladdin. We will also be taking a trip to the London eye so that we can see right across London and look for the local attractions such as Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament. 





Important Information



We currently have P.E on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure an outdoor P.E kit is in school for both sessions. 





Maths homework is set on a Thursday, this is due in by the following Wednesday at the latest.


Each week, on a Thursday, twelve spellings will be taught and sent home. These spellings need to be practised and a definition of each word must be completed before the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are every Thursday


Home reading is extremely important, try reading every day at home- even if it's for a short period of time each day as this will add up over the week and help to improve reading fluency. 
