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Y1 - Paddington Class


Welcome to Year 1

Paddington Class



Our Year 1 Team

Teacher – Miss Butler

Learning Support Assistant - Mrs Amir

PPA Cover   – Mrs K.Rowlands (Assistant Headteacher)



Welcome to class 1 at Pinders Primary School. Year 1 is a busy, exciting class filled with engaging and enjoyable learning experiences across all areas of the curriculum. Your child will be learning so many new things as well as growing and maturing both socially and academically. We aspire for all our children to be independent, inquisitive learners who will always try their best to be the best they can be. In our class we respect each other, are kind, considerate and good listeners.




Keep undated on our Twitter page to find out more about our learning!

Check our Twitter page (@PindersPrimary) weekly for lots of photographs of our learning!


Check our Twitter page @PindersPrimary weekly for lots of photographs of our learning!

Our Classroom - Paddington Class

Each class at Pinders Primary School, is focussed around a book. The Year 1 classroom this year is called Paddington Class and is focussed around the book 'The Adventures of Paddington Bear' 

We have a wonderful reading corner which is themed around our book, giving the children a safe, comfortable environment to enjoy a good book.


Reading at Home


Reading books should be read at home EVERY day if possible. Can your child read the book independently? Can they read with pace and include expression? Can they answer different types of questions linked to our reading gems?


Help your child reach our reading target each week by listening to them read each day & signing their reading record. The target is to read at least 4 times !

Year 1 Topics and Educational Visits

All of KS1 follow the same curriculum topics, however the learning will be differentiated to meet the different curriculum expectations between Year 1 and Year 2.


Our topic themes are:

Autumn: Traditional Tales

Spring: Wonderful World

Summer: How Does Your Garden Grow?



In Year 1, we aim to provide the children with experience of a rich variety of environments which contribute to making learning enjoyable and that serve to extend and consolidate their learning.


Our educational visits 2023/4:

Autumn: This Greenmoon and Wakefield Theatre Royal (English & Oracy Link). Wakefield Museum (History Link)

Spring: Sandel Castle (History Link)

Summer: Local Mosque and Church (RE Link)

Our School Values and Rules 









Help your child reach our reading target each week by reading with your child & signing their reading record. Ideally, books should be read at home EVERY DAY if possible.

Can your child read their phonics e-book independently? Can they answer questions about the book? Can they read with expression and fluency?

Each week if your child has shared a book at least 5 times at home they will receive a reading star which could win them a book at the end of the half term!





  • Reading is highly valued at Pinders Primary and we want your child(ren) to enjoy reading. Each night your child will come home with a reading book and we ask that you listen to your child read every night and enjoy reading together. We also encourage children to read other books as well as their school reading book to foster a love of reading. 



  • In Year 1 homework will be sent on a Thursday and needs to be completed by Tuesday of the following week. 



  • Spellings are given out on a Friday and the children have until the following Friday to practise their spellings. Spelling tests are every Friday where your child will receive their score and new spellings. Children must bring their spelling books back every Friday so their new spellings can be recorded. 


Read and Respond 

  • Our Read and Respond day is Monday. Your child will bring home their Read and Respond book to read with you at home (this isn't a book your child reads independently). In the Read and Respond journal will be the week's task which you will sign when completed. It is important you only read the pages of the book written in the journal for that week and don't read ahead. Your child must return their Read and Respond book to school every Monday.



  • All uniform must have your child's name on the label.



  • PE days change every half term so please check Seesaw for updates.
  • Please come to school in your PE kit on PE days.
  • One PE session each week will be outdoors, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.


Reading for pleasure

  •  Our 'reading for pleasure' sessions are on Fridays. Children will have the opportunity to browse the collection and choose a book to take home! Books must be returned on Fridays before borrowing another book.
  • Our outdoor library will also be open after school for your child to borrow a book.


Water Bottles

  • Water bottles should be taken home each day for washing. 
  • Water bottles can be purchased from the school office for £1.



  • Milk can be paid for online and costs £1.05 per week.



Year 1 Phonics Screening Check


In the summer term of Year 1, your child will complete a phonics screening check. This is a statutory check which means children in Year 1 throughout the country will all be taking part in the check during the same week in June. The test contains 40 words which children will read aloud one-to-one with a teacher. The list of words is a combination of 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. It is a good indication of your child's reading progress and any child that does not pass the bench mark will be given extra support and a chance to resit the test in Year 2. Your child will receive daily phonics lessons and lots of practice of reading similar words/tests throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding the phonics screening check, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bayliss. 
