Welcome to Year 3 at Pinders Primary School. In our classroom we are all part of a team. Our collective aim is to work together and achieve wonderful things. Your child will experience new adventures and make lifelong memories. This will allow them to not only develop their independence, but their social skills when working alongside others. Every child is encouraged to be proud of who they are and celebrate their differences. Respect, empathy and kindness are promoted at all times.
Please keep updated on our Twitter page to see all the exciting things we have been learning!
@PindersPrimary ( https://twitter.com/PindersPrimary)
Our classroom
Each classroom at Pinders Primary School is focused around a book, the chosen book for Year 3 is Wildsmith into the Dark Forest by Liz Flanagan. Our classroom displays and book area, table names and reading chart tracker is themed around the story to inspire the children.
Year 3 Topics
Autumn - Romans
Trip: Murton Park
Spring - Window of The World
Trip: Chester Zoo
Summer - Anglo-Saxons
Trip: National Coal Mining Museum
Everyday matters.
We love seeing our children’s smiley faces every day so full attendance is important. It makes sure they don’t miss work, giving them the ability to succeed.
Reading at Home
Alongside reading in school, your child should continue reading at home. Ideally this would be every day, to ensure consistency and a love of reading. Encourage them to read independently and sound out words they struggle with. They should also use expression when reading aloud and be able to answer questions regarding the information they have read. Look through our reading gems (pictured below) to see if you could incorporate them into a discussion with your child, about their reading book.
Once you have listened to your child read, please record this in their reading record. If your child has read at least 5 times in the week they will be rewarded with a raffle ticket, which could win them a brand-new book at the end of the term!
General information
Read and respond- Lessons are held on a Friday. It is important that your child has read the pages in preparation for the lesson on Friday.
Spellings- Your child will write these down in their spelling journals. These spellings will then be tested the following Wednesday, before issuing the new set. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings in a method that works for them.
Times Tables- By the end of Year 3, children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables, along with their 2's, 5's and 10's which they learnt in Year 2. Please help your child to remember their times tables by practicing with them regularly at home. We recommend for them to practise on Timestable Rockstars and through the Diamond Dash challenge.
Children must wear the correct PE kit for PE.
This includes a plain white top, black/navy jogging bottoms or shorts (weather dependant), a plain black/navy jacket and a sensible pair of trainers.
PE days for Spring 1-
Tuesday : Indoor
Thursday: Outdoor
Water bottles- It is important your child keeps hydrated throughout the day. Therefore, we encourage them to bring a water bottle to school, which they will take home daily to be washed. Water bottles are available to purchase from the school office for £1.