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Y3/4 - Strange Worlds

Welcome to Year 3/4:

Strangeworlds Class

Meet the team:

Mr Firth - Class Teacher

Mrs Smithson - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Burkinshaw - Learning Support Assistant

Miss Makin - HLTA / Learning Support Assistant

Our Classroom:

Every class at Pinders Primary School has adopted a book for our class theme. In Year 3/4, we have chosen the book Strangeworlds Travel Agency by the author L.D. Lapinski and have used the ideas from her novel as our classroom theme.

Our School Values & Rules


Autumn - Romans

Trip: Murton Park

SpringWindow on the World

Trip: Chester Zoo

Summer - Anglo Saxons

Trip: Anglo Saxon Visitor

Home Learning:

Home reading: Your child will be issued with a home reading book this should be read daily and changed often. It is also important that this book is brought to school every day as your child will read with an adult in class.


Read and Respond: Each week your child will be issued with a chapter of a text to read. It is of critical importance that your child reads this before our Read and Respond lesson, otherwise they will be unable to access the lesson


Times tables:

  • By the end of Year 3 children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables along with their 2's, 5's and 10's which they learnt in Year 2.
  • By the end of Year 4 children are expected to have learnt all their times tables from the 2's to the 12's.

Spellings: Every Friday children will take home 10 spellings to learn for the following week.


Children are expected to wear their PE kit to school on PE Days. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and appropriately for the weather. Wellies, raincoats, hats, scarves and gloves are encouraged. If the weather is particularly wet, please send your child with some indoor shoes for the afternoon lessons. 
