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Y4 - The Others Class




Class Teacher: Mrs Beetham

LSA: Mrs K. Hinchcliffe


Our classroom:

This year our classroom is themed around the book Coraline by Neil Gaiman.  


In the book we follow young Coraline as she discovers a hidden door in her new home that leads to a parallel universe—one that initially seems perfect, filled with quirky characters and delightful wonders. But as she delves deeper, she uncovers dark secrets and faces an unsettling truth, quickly learning that all that glitters is not gold and the grass is not always greener on the other side.



Timetable Spring 1




Home reading:   Home reading is extremely important, try reading at home every day - even if it is just for a short period of time as this will add up over the week and really help to improve reading fluency.  Your child will be issued with a home reading book this should be read daily and will be changed often.  It is also important that this book is brought to school every day as your child will read with an adult in class.   Please remember to record your reading in your child's reading record.



Spelling homework will be set weekly. Each Friday, children will be tested on their spellings and a new set of spellings to practice will be brought home.  



Read and Respond: Each week your child will be issued with a chapter of a text to read. It is of critical importance that your child reads this before our Read and Respond lesson which is on a Friday, otherwise they will be unable to access the lesson.  Your child has been issued with a copy of The Firework Makers Daughter by Phillip Pullman.  


Times tables:

By the end of Year 4 children are expected to have learnt all their times tables from the 2's to the 12's. All children have access to TT Rockstars which is a fun way to practise them.  Log ins were provided at the beginning of the year.


Autumn - Romans

Trip: Murton Park

Spring -  Window on the World

Spring Showcase Performance

Summer - Anglo Saxons

Trip: Chester Zoo


PE: Children are expected to wear their PE kit to school on PE Days. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and appropriately for the weather. Wellies, raincoats, hats, scarves and gloves are encouraged. If the weather is particularly wet, please send your child with some indoor shoes for the afternoon lessons. 


Water bottles: It is important your child keeps hydrated throughout the day. Therefore, we encourage them to bring a water bottle to school, which they will take home daily to be washed. Water bottles are available to purchase from the school office for £1. 

