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Our School Attendance Target for 2024 - 2025 is 97%




  • School attendance is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 years

  • Schools must keep registers showing authorised and unauthorised absences in accordance with Government regulations

  • Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure a child's education; Failure to do this can lead to legal action

  • Registers are checked regularly and absence queries followed up immediately by our Learning Mentors and EWO


    Examples of Authorised Absence?

  • Personal illness

  • Medical appointments

  • Religious observance

  • Approved sporting activity


    Examples of Unauthorised Absence?

  • Time off for birthdays

  • Shopping trips

  • Days out

  • Holidays during term time

  • Persistent lateness after registers have closed

  • Family member’s illness

  • Accompanying a family member to an appointment

  • School Attendance Matters                                                                                                                             Why is good attendance and punctuality important

  • Regular attendance is vital if your child is to benefit fully from their education

  • Every absence means that vital lessons missed

  • It is easy to fall behind but difficult to make up lost time

  • It is good training for the future

  • It is your legal responsibility


    How can parents support good attendance in school?

  • Establish a routine that allows your child to arrive at school, on time, every day

  • Always contact school immediately when your child is absent

  • Follow this up with a written explanation of the child’s absence when he/she returns to school                                     

What should I do if I'm worried about my child's school attendance?

  • The first thing to do is to contact the school to discuss your concerns.
  • If school staff are unable to resolve the problem, they may suggest you speak to an Education Welfare Officer.



Schools are legally required to take a register of pupils first thing in the morning and at some point in the afternoon. The government advises that schools can keep the register  a shorter period of time. However, if a pupil is late but the register is still open they are marked as late. This may lead to legal action for not ensuring regular and punctual school attendance.

Punctuality is important because if, for example, a child arrives 15 minutes late at school each day, they lose almost 2 weeks of education a year.


What if my child's school attendance does not improve?

School will work with you to do our best to support parents with attendance, however if continue to fail in your responsibility you may:

  • Be included in the Fast Track System, which means you will be given 12 weeks to improve your child's attendance.

  • Receive a Fixed Penalty Notice, which is a fine of £60 per parent/carer for truancy, holidays in term time or poor attendance/punctuality

  • Be prosecuted in the Magistrates’ Court, which could result in you receiving a Community Order, a fine of up to £2500 per parent/carer or a custodial sentence

  • See your child issued with an Education Supervision Order, which would mean your child attending court and certain measures being put in place regarding attendance at school


If you are experiencing difficulties getting your child to school on time or have questions/issues relating to poor attendance, please contact the school office on 01924 303700.  Our Learning Mentor (Mrs Peaker) will be able to offer guidance and support.


Our Text Messaging System is used to contact parents who do not advise school of their child's absence.  Please contact the School Office by phone if you receive a text message regarding your child's absence.




School Attendance Penalty Notices

Wakefield Parents attendance leaflet
