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Cycle A

Term 1

Cycle A

Term 2

Cycle A

Term 3

Cycle B

Term 1

Cycle B

Term 2

Cycle B

Term 3

Key Stage 1


Topic: ‘Explorers’

Question: Can we explore the world with Captain Cook?

Book: This is

Captain Cook

Topic: London’s burning’

Question: What do we know about our capital city?

Book: Haran Travels to London


Topic: ‘Paddington’s Travels’

Question: How is life different for Paddington?

Book: Paddington


Topic: ‘Traditional Tales’

Question: Can you show the characters journey by making your own map? 

Book: Spot’s First Walk

The Gingerbread Man


Topic: Wonderful World’

Question: What parts of the world are hot and cold?

Book: Meerkat Mail, Antarctic Antics


Topic: ‘How does your garden grow’

Question: What does our area look like from above?

Book: We are the Gardener
