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Year 3 have been working hard with their Maths. Exploring different ways to solve questions.

2020/21 Year 4 have been using SLSO to support their understanding of place value and addition of 4 digit numbers.

2019 - 2020


Year 4 have been using concrete numicon pegs to work out fractions of amounts.

Year 4 used their maths skills to work out the costs of the ingredients needed to do our Greek style cooking in D&T.

Year 4 used fraction pieces to work out a range of equivalent fractions.

Year 4 explored fractions further using concrete resources and applied this knowledge to an abstract representation.

Year 4 have been exploring fractions and have learnt a fraction is part of a whole. Just like a wheel is part of a car, so a wheel is a fraction of a car.

Year 4 have looked at worded problems and identified the key information to help us solve the calculations.

Mija, in Year 4, expertly demonstrated column method using stem sentences.

Still image for this video

Year 4 always show resilience and independence when working with the concrete aparatus.

Year 4 took their learning outside and practised drawing Roman Numerals on the playground.

Year 3 used Learning By Questions to support their mathematical understanding of place value.


Year 3- Multipication and division using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

In Year 3 children led the learning explaining how to add and subtract fractions numerically and pictorially.
