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Lower Key Stage 2

Topic: ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’

Question: Which era influenced modern civilisation the most and why?

Focus: Stone age to Celts

Abstract terms: Civilisation, era, empire, period


Stone Age Boy by Satoski Kotamura

UG by Ramond Briggs





Topic: Greeks

Question: How do we know so much about the Ancient Greeks who lived over 2000 years ago?

Focus: Ancient Greece/Modern Greece (Geography)

Abstract terms:

Civilisation, monarch, period

Book: Meet the Ancient Greeks by James Davies






Topic: Local Area

Question: Is coal one of England’s treasures?

Focus: Mining

Abstract terms:


Book: You wouldn’t want to be a Victorian Miner!

Digging a hole to heaven SD Nelson







Topic: Romans

Question: Were the Romans Ruthless?

Focus: Roman Empire

Abstract terms:

Empire, government, monarchy

Book: Roman Invasion by Jim Eldridge








‘Window on the World’

Geography focused topic





Topic: Anglo Saxons

Question: Did Britain regress after the occupation of the Anglo-saxons?

Focus: Harold II V William I (Conqueror) Battle of Hastings 1066

Abstract terms: Civillisation, society


Beowulf Michel Morpurgo






