'Design and Technology is different to other subjects at school. It has helped to teach me resilience through trial and error. It's fun because we get to think about building things in different ways.
Last term we built shelters with the den building equipment. It took me and my friends a few tries to get it right but it was really fun to be creative and test our designs to see if they work'
- Ruveba Y6 UKS2
This year we made Christmas decorations and shelters. Last year we made catapults. I love DT because we get to use our imagination and creativeness to build things by yourself and try to make them better.
- Shreya Y5 UKS2
'We made a really cool Minecart. I liked it because we got to saw wood using axels and dowels. DT is great because you get to make real life things. We baked flat breads in forest school. I made some at home too! It was yummy!'
- Christopher Y4 LKS2
'In DT, we get to make things. Making things is fun. I loved the Greek food. We made Tzatziki sauce and pita breads from scratch. I love cooking at home and it was really special to do it in school'
- Hiyaa Y3 LKS2
'I drew a design for a fire engine and then we used card to make it in real life. I got to paint it red then I used dowels and axels to make wheels'
-Sally Y2 KS1
'We made and painted a fire engine from scratch. The wheels ( they are called axels) were attached with blu tac to a stick (these were called dowels). After we made them we got to play with them.'
- Alister Y1