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Range and depth of Historical Knowledge


Early Years

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



Range and Depth of Historical Knowledge

To recall and recount significant past and present events of their own lives and think about how things have changed within their lifetime.

To recall and recount events from before their living memory and discuss past and present events in their lives, and the lives of others.


Talk about why some things might be different in the past.


To recount and understand the main events from a significant time in history.


Look at evidence to explain reasons why people in the past may have acted as they did.



To show knowledge and understanding of some of the main events, people and changes during time period studied. 


Use evidence to describe lives of people and communities from the past, and compare this with our life today.


Beginning to identify the causes and consequences of people’s actions.

To show knowledge and understanding by describing features of past societies and periods, and offer a reasonable explanation for some of these.


Describe similarities and differences between people, events and artefacts studied across periods.


Describe how some events of the past influence life today.

To begin to examine the wider causes and consequences of significant historical events, and the impact this had on others.


Compare an aspect of life with the same aspect in another time period e.g. economic, religious, social, cultural, political and military.

To examine the wider short and long term causes and consequences of significant historical events, and the impact this had on others.


To find out beliefs, behaviours and characteristics of people, recognising that not everybody shared the same views, and compare these with that of another period.














