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Upper Key Stage 2

Topic: Poppies, Peace and Power

Question: Did anybody win the war?

Focus: World War 2 – King George

Abstract terms:

Book: My Secret War Diary by Marcia Williams

The story of the Second World War by Peter Chrisp








Topic: Natural Disasters

Question: What consequences were caused by earthquakes?

Focus: Haiti

Abstract terms:


Book: Tsunamis and other natural disasters by Mary Pope Osborne









Topic: Space

Question: Do we achieve more working as one team?

Focus: Space Race – Yuri Gagrin, Tim Peake

Abstract terms:

Liberty, patriotism, justice


Hidden figues by Margot Shetterly

The space race by Sarah Cuddas







Topic: Viking

Question: Does being rich make us powerful?

Focus: Alfred the Great, first King of England

Edward the Confessor

Abstract terms:

Monarchy, period

Book: Viking Boy by Tony Bradman




Topic: Egyptians

Question: Is the River Nile a gift? Howard Carter: Discoverer or Tomb Raider?

Focus: Ancient Civilisation and Non European Society (Egypt)

Abstract terms:

Era, Monarch, civilization,


Tutankhamun by Patricia Cleveland-Peck




Explorers Jungle

Geography based topic





In addition to this, UKS2 will also study a topic about Mayans.  
