"You can make anything by writing." C.S Lewis
Subject Leader: Miss Coleman
Subject Governor: Janet Davies
Curriculum Intent
Writing is integral to everyday life, it fosters an ability to explain, refine and preserve ideas and memories. At Pinders Primary School, we aim to deliver an exciting curriculum that enables children to develop an engaged attitude towards writing that will remain with them throughout life equipping them for future learning.
It is our intent at Pinders Primary School to ensure that pupils develop into articulate and imaginative communicators, who are equipped with the skills they need to be life-long learners. English learning is a key aspect of this, writing enables pupils to communicate with others, building on experiences, encouraging thinking and allowing communication skills to grow. As a school with a high number of pupils for whom English is an additional language, we aim to immerse all pupils in a vocabulary rich environment with opportunity for oral rehearsal and conversation. We aspire for all children at Pinders Primary to develop a love of language through a stimulus test-based approach; linking closely to our reading curriculum. Careful links are made across the curriculum to ensure that learning is relevant and meaningful. In order to ignite a love of writing, pupils are inspired by writing hooks and stimulus lessons which link, where possible, to the topics being covered within the foundation subjects.
Aims in teaching writing at Pinders Primary School:
At Pinders Primary, we aim to encourage children to:
How is the content/ theme chosen?
Whenever possible, we teach through a themed approach, to enable children to embed learning and make connections, which leads to a greater depth of understanding within the subject. Writing outcomes link closely with the theme of each termly topic. Making a connection between writing and the foundation subjects allows pupils to make effective links with key themes, reflecting upon prior learning.
The content is therefore chosen to make effective links with key themes, reflect expectations in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, which will engage and inspire our children.
Our writing Statutory National Curriculum Programme- by the end of primary school.
How is the subject taught?
In order to develop an effective writing curriculum at Pinders Primary School, we have ensured that various writing skills are covered across differing lessons that are followed in a sequential order.
*Hook– stimulus in the form of arts/drama/film/music/photos.
* Exploration- WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) and example text of the focussed genre.
*Application- collection of knowledge, grammar and vocabulary to include in writing.
*Editing- four phases of editing, can be applied through each stage of writing approach.
*Planning- structure of published writing
*Draft – modelled/shared/guided writing opportunity
*Final writing – Published writing.
*Greater Depth Writers- evaluation of impact of writing.
This sequence of learning is followed by all classes. Some steps of the sequence may be developed further, some steps may not be included based on the genre of writing that is being taught and carried out by the class. The aim of this sequence of learning to lead to a piece of writing is to provide children with a high quality example and to give them the skills to produce something of the same quality with a particular emphasis on grammar and vocabulary. A range of genres is taught throughout the year so children are experiencing all writing.
How do we ensure progression of knowledge and skills?
At Pinders Primary School, we have a comprehensive progression document of writing skills across different genres. These documents include exemplifications of age related examples, which allow staff to make comparisons when making assessed judgements. The progression documents can be used for planning, to ensure there is a build up of skills and knowledge across school.
Within these documents, there are also opportunities for differentiation, in order to meet the needs of all learners.
Becoming a writer
When children are learning about writing through a discrete teaching session, they are explicitly told that today they are going to be 'writers'. They are then reminded of the key skills that they will learn, use and develop within writing.
In writing these are
As writers we are learning to:
· Be passionate readers.
· Thinks about who their audience is.
· Considers the purpose of their writing.
· Uses interesting and exciting vocabulary.
· Re-reads their work to edit and improve.
· Uses a variety of punctuation.
Teaching writing in EYFS
Children learn to write in the Early Years Foundation Stage through a combination of adult-directed activities and child-initiated play. Learning to write is a gradual process throughout the early years. Children begin their writing journey through physical development and focus on fine motor control skills. Children have access to a wide range of early mark making and preparatory materials both in our indoor and outdoor learning environments. Within their own play explorations, children are encouraged to explore writing, linking their own ideas. Children's emergent writing is supported by our holistic environment, which encourages the development of links between concrete exploration and literacy.
Positive attitudes to writing are fostered in EYFS with a developing awareness of how ongoing exploration links to cognitive and writing readiness. In order to enable children to progress within their writing, the EYFS environment enables pupils to respond to their individual interests allowing learning to be built over time.
Children in Reception take part in daily focussed phonics sessions, where children receive guided practice in the application of phonics. Handwriting through formation of letters is also taught as part of this approach. In addition to their own explorations in early writing, children take part in daily shared writing experiences, which feeds forward to independent writing.
Writing and British Values
Reading in writing
Books are a central part of our writing curriculum, each genre of writing begins with a book stimulus. Below is an overview of the books embedded into our writing curriculum.
How do we develop cultural capital in writing?
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
Significant people in English
Our curriculum has been carefully designed to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn about authors both past and present. We have chosen authors specifically for phases, linking to themes and books that they will come across within their learning across a two year cycle.
What does writing look like at Pinders Primary School?
Curriculum documentation
Parent support/ links
Help with your child's handwriting:
Guidance on how to support your child with writing: