Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil premium is a funding initiative designed to provide support for children from low income families to ensure they make good progress and achieve their expected attainment. It is allocated to enable the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their more economically advantaged peers to be narrowed.
The Pupil Premium is spent in an integrated way to ensure entitled pupils receive additional support and use of facilities. Funding is aimed at accelerating progress; moving children to age related expectations initially in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We use a range of strategies to support children through Quality First Teaching; well planned, tailored intervention groups led by teachers and support staff; use of high quality differentiated resources and enrichment opportunities including Breakfast Club, after school clubs, trips and visitors.
Impact of specific interventions and resources is monitored at regular intervals (class assessment points) through pupil progress meetings and intervention monitoring forms. Achievement is reported termly to Governors at the Pupil and Standards Committee.
A Pupil Premium review was completed in June 2019. All policies and action plans were updated in light on the review.