Early Years Foundation Stage
"Play is the highest form of research"
Albert Einstein
Early Years Foundation Stage Leader: Mrs Diane Brown
Early Years Foundation Stage Governor: Mrs Sarah Pickering
EYFS Statement of Intent
At Pinders we value the importance of early year’s education and do not underestimate the impact that quality teaching in the Early Years can have on the future learning journey of our children. High expectations from the start help embed the school’s ethos and the school aims to equip children with the skills and abilities needed for them to achieve success at every stage in their education and life.
We believe that all children should be celebrated, respected, valued and feel safe and secure. Our curriculum is designed to stimulate, motivate and engage children of all backgrounds and from different starting points. We deliver a curriculum that is shaped around the children and personalised with high quality learning experiences to make sense of the world around them.
Our learning environments are challenging and stimulating encouraging children to explore, predict, collaborate and take risks.
Aims of our EYFS at Pinders Primary school:
Our EYFS Curriculum
At Pinders Primary we have carefully designed our EYFS curriculum that reflects and celebrates our community and builds upon knowledge and skills in a sequenced way. We use the Development Matters non-statutory curriculum guidance to shape our EYFS curriculum ensuring that our pupil's learn through an ambitious curriculum.
The curriculum is split into 7 areas of learning –
1.Communication & Language
2.Physical Development
3.Personal, Social & Emotional Development
At the end of Foundation Stage children are assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage profile.
In 2023, 66% of children leaving Foundation Stage at Pinders Primary achieved a 'good level of development' the national area average in 2022 was 65.2%. We have no published data for 2020, 2021 due to the pandemic.
How do we learn in EYFS?
At Pinders Primary School we have developed our own curriculum, outlining the different topics we will base our learning around each half term. Alongside this we also teach discrete phonics and maths sessions. A big part of the learning in EYFS is based around the children's interests in our stimulating environment.
How do we ensure progression of knowledge and skills?
At Pinders Primary our children thrive in a stimulating learning environment. Our environments are carefully designed to provide skill development and enhancement.
Each classroom environment has different provision areas for children to access independently. Each area has permanent resources for the children to continually access and develop their skills and learning. Enhancements are regularly added to each area to reflect topics and any current learning and interests. Most learning areas are enhanced with books and writing materials to promote both reading and writing from the beginning of EYFS.
Our children explore the different provision areas for example:
EYFS and British Values
Reading in EYFS
At Pinders Primary reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We ensure that children learn in a language rich environment and foster a love of reading. Below is an overview of the books embedded within our EYFS curriculum and a rational about they they were chosen.
How do we develop Cultural Capital in EYFS?
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
In EYFS we carefully plan meaningful opportunities to develop children cultural capital. We aim to provide hands on life experiences for children to make links to the curriculum in order to make sense of the world around them.
Significant people in EYFS.
When planning the EYFS curriculum we ensure that a range of significant people are introduced to the children whether that be an author or artist to bring the learning to life.
What does our EYFS look like?
Parental Links and Information
Parental Workshops
We deliver a variety of workshops based on various aspects of the curriculum throughout the year. We have uploaded the powerpoints and supportive materials for parents to view.
Evidence Me
In school we record your child’s progress and achievements onto an online programme called Evidence Me. Staff within EYFS will collect photograph’s and evidence to build up a picture of your child’s learning and development at school. Parents and carers can also add to children's portfolios.
Evidence me can be downloaded to iOS and Android devices from - http://help.evidence.me/setup/downloading-the-app/
If you need any help accessing Evidence me, you can follow the simple user guide below:
Our Learning Environments
At Pinders Primary we have two Reception classes named Lions and Tigers and a Nursery known as Cubs. Please take some time to take a virtual tour of the learning environments and check out the class pages where you will found out more information.
Oral Health
Oral health has been included in our statutory framework because good oral health habits need to be formed from the earliest age. Tooth decay is largely preventable, but it’s still a serious problem among young children.
Nearly a quarter of 5 year olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10.
Children who have toothache, or need treatment, may have pain or infections. This can have a wider effect and lead to problems eating, sleeping, socialising and learning.
Please click on the links below to find out more information and learn ways to promote good oral health with your child.