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Year 3

Autumn 1 -

Week 1 - Isabella - For having a super full first week and hitting the ground running with her learning.

Week 2 - Mikail - For creating a fantastic opening for his Stone Age Narrative in writing.

Week 3 - Rafa - For being a great role model and helpful around the classroom.

Week 4 - Sarah - For always giving everything a go even when she finds certain things tricky.

Week 5 - Indie - For being a great friend and show how caring she can be.

Week 6 - Hulemata - For always being ready to learn and constantly having a bubbly attitude.

Autumn 2 -

Week 1 - Anosh - For impressing me with his arithmetic maths skills.

Week 2 - Daniyal - For being helpful and being supportive.

Week 3 - Lailah - For being ready to learn and showing everyone in the class what being respectful looks like. 

Week 4 - Isla - For growing in confidence and giving 100%

Week 5 - Shayan - For being great role model.

Week 6 - Rafa - For always showing how much of a superstar she is!

Spring 1 -

Week 1 - Dorian - For being an active learner and having great start to a new term. 

Week 2 - Rayyan - For being a team player by supporting his peers with their learning.

Week 3 - Inaaya -For showing an increase of independence. 

Week 4 - Year 3 - For being fantastic during Greek day, by showing enthusiasm and being super stars for all teachers.

