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Year 6

Autumn 1

Week 1 - Kiera - For an outstanding start to the year and excellent effort.

Week 2 - Inayah - For excellent learning about empathy and respect in SEL lessons.

Week 3 - Scarlett - For amazing team skills, encouraging others and throwing herself into all aspects of the residential with unlimited enthusiasm.

Week 4 - Maryam - For outstanding use of a range of media when creating art inspired by Henry Moore.

Week 5Juwairiyah - For an outstanding letter written as a WW2 Soldier.

Week 6 - Hevi - For unlimited enthusiasm on our trip to Eden Camp and asking many perceptive questions.

Autumn 2 -

Week 1 - Hasan - For amazing effort and progress during assessment week.

Week 2 - Shiphrah - For outstanding planning and designing during design and technology lessons.

Week 3 - Rayyan - For always giving 100% effort in everything he does 100% of the time and always being a positive role model.

Week 4 - Paris - For outstanding progress in writing and being an absolute superstar all of the time.

Week 5 - Fatou - For increased confidence all round, especially in her independent learning and reading skills.

Week 6 - Vanesa - For amazing attention to detail when editing in writing.

Spring 1 -

Week 1 - Raghd - For always having an outstanding and positive attitude to her learning in all areas of the curriculum.

Week 2 - Sulara - For consistently excellent attitude to her learning at all times.

Week 3 - Lily - For an information poster about natural disasters.

Week 4 - Mercy - For an upbeat and positive attitude to her learning at all times.

Spring 2 

Week 1 - Kevin - For outstanding effort and determination all week.

Week 2 - Habib - For excellent enthusiasm and always being ready to give an answer.

Week 3 - Mateusz - For outstanding flare in clay modelling.

Week 4 - Mayada - For an outstanding self portrait with excellent attention to detail.
