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Pupil Safeguarding page

Child Friendly Safeguarding Page


What is Safeguarding?

• All the adults around you think that your health, safety and welfare are very important

 • At our school, we respect all children and adults, and help to protect their rights and keep them safe.


How does Pinders Primary School work to keep you safe?

• We provide a safe environment for you to learn

• Staff at our school know how to keep you and your friends safe, at home as well as school

• It is important for you to know where to get help if you are worried or unhappy about something.

• We teach you how to keep you, and others, safe. And to recognise risks in different situations. Our lessons include, healthy eating, e-safety, road safety and assemblies



Need to Talk?

  • Mrs Kemplay is our Safeguarding Lead and her main role is to keep our children safe.
  • Mrs Bedford, Mrs Rowlands, Mrs Bowen & Mrs Peaker are also part of the Safeguarding team.
  • You can speak to any adult in school, they will always listen to you. •
  • You can place a note in a Worry Box in class & an adult will arrange to meet with you.

Below our our child friendly policies:

These are shared with the children and are in each classroom so that all children have access to these if they need them.

Designated Safeguarding boards in school

Around school you will find designated safeguarding boards with age appropriate information for that key stage. 

E-Safety Tips:
