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Year 5

Autumn 1

Week 1 - Kehinde - For always helping others.

Week 2 - Khadija - For super confidence in swimming.

Week 3 - Yousuf - For lovely creative writing about a night in an Anderson Shelter.

Week 4 - Idris - For being a superstar helper to others.

Week 5 - Adeena - For fabulous letter writing as a WW2 Soldier.

Week 6 - Jainaba - For asking inquisitive questions on our trip.


Autumn 2 -

Week 1 - Eliza - For thoughtful R.E work.

Week 2 - Iyla - For being a superstar swimmer.

Week 3 - Ali - For being a fantastic leader during Forest Schools.

Week 4 - Talyn - For always putting in 100% into all of her work!

Week 5 - Faatimah - For helping others with her excellent computing skills.

Week 6 - Chiboy - For an amazing RE booklet on types of worship.


Spring 1 -

Week 1 - Katie - For perseverance in decimals.

Week 2 - Phoebe - For always putting in 100%

Week 3 - Ifsa - For fantastic oracy presentation in Geography.

Week 4 - Edward - For sharing super ideas in writing.

Spring 2 -

Week 1 - Moumen - For fabulous swimming skills!

Week 2 - Gracie - For amazing questions and predictions in Science!

Week 3 - Ahmed - For excellent Science reasoning!

Week 4 - Ulematou - For resilience in their writing.
