The School Club Programme aims to offer our pupils experiences and activities that go beyond the curriculum. We want every individual to have to opportunity to extend their skills and talents in a range of areas, such as: sports clubs, music, the dramatic arts and design, as well as many others.
Throughout the year we run a number of after school clubs. These include sports clubs run by coaches and other clubs. We would like to encourage all of our pupils to attend an after school club so keep an eye out for letters coming home each term and ask your child if there is a club they are interested in.
Being part of a club has a wide range of benefits, including:
This academic year we have these wonderful clubs which run for 6 weeks:
Places and attendance
Places are limited for all of the clubs and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Our clubs are run on a rolling program. Most clubs are very popular and are often oversubscribed. We use a first come, first served system to be as fair as possible. The clubs are run by a mixture of school staff and external coaches who we employ.
Non-attendance will be followed up. If for any valid reason your child can not attend please notify the school office.