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Year 1/2

Autumn 1 -

Week 1 - Omar - For being a good friend.

Week 2 - Oliwia - For always being ready to learn!

Week 3 - Mykayla - For always putting 100% effort in her learning.

Week 4 - Daisy - For amazing effort in her learning this week!

Week 5 - Vin - For always being kind to others.

Week 6 - Helma - For always having a huge smile on her face and being friendly to others.



Autumn 2 -

Week 1 - Noor - For beautiful presentation in all of her work.

Week 2 - Leo - For always being the perfect role model for our class.

Week 3 - Elena - For always being so polite and helpful.

Week 4 - Ashley - For having a super week and completing activities within the classroom.

Week 5 - Ethan - For fantastic work in maths on money!

Week 6 - Year 1/2 - For working so hard in all of our Nativity practises!


Spring 1 -

Week 1 - Omar - For showing independence practising his poem.

Week 2 - Daisy-Ann - For always trying her hardest.

Week 3 - Elena - For always trying her best in everything she does.

Week 4 - Amalia - For always being kind and a good friend to others.
