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Y6 - 6S

Welcome to Year 6 - Mr Fraser's and Miss Tankard's Class



Welcome to Year 6's class page! As the oldest children in the school, we aim to set the highest standards in everything we do. We have a jam-packed year, but we will have fun along the way!



During the year, we will sit SATS examinations. These are nothing to worry about, and we will endeavour to achieve the best we possibly can.


PE Kits


Year 6 have PE on Tuesdays. So make sure you bring your kit! For ALL weathers!




The staff working with year 6 will be:


Mr Fraser - Class Teacher

Miss Tankard - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mawdsley - Learning Support Assistant


Summer Topic - Jungle Explorers

Our Spring Topic is... Natural Disasters.

Click on each link to see what we are learning about within each subject and some photos of our creative and inspiring learning. 

Our Autumn topic was -

Poppies, Peace and Power



This half-term, we are learning all about ancient warfare, right up to modern-day conflicts such as World War II.




British Values - Remembrance Day and the Rule of Law


Image result for british flag


As part of our learning, we will be finding out about how democracy affects our day-to-day life, what power the monarchy has over the rules of the UK and what it means to be a British citizen.


Keep looking back to see more of the learning going on in Year 6 as the year goes on!



It is absolutely vital that your homework is brought in on time and completed at home. As the year goes on, homework will become more frequent as we build up to SATS - but the hard-work will be worth it!


In a typical week, you will have the following homework.


laugh Spelling homework - given on Monday - back for Friday

laugh Maths homework - given on Friday - back for Tuesday

laugh SPAG/English homework - given on Friday - back for Tuesday

laugh Reading at home - most nights - 20/30 mins


Reading is the corner stone of everything we do, so it is vitally important to hear your child read most nights!


The Art of Warfare

Writing our Tense Story

Visiting Church

Understanding Light and Filters
