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Year 3/4

Autumn 1

Week 1 - Lilly-Rose - For a superb first week in Year 3/4, showing independence and resilience.

Week 2 - Aleena - For always having a positive attitude to all of her learning.

Week 3 - Scarlett - For always having polite, respectful attitude.

Week 4 - Sally - For expertly rounding numbers in our maths lessons this week.

Week 5 - Kai - For super engagement in our science lesson exploring rocks.

Week 6 - Alwina - For being a super role model - always being ready to learn!


Autumn 2 -

Week 1 - Vashi - For brilliant science enquiry skills when investigating rocks.

Week 2 - Oliver - For being a good role model and always making the right choice.

Week 3 - Sally - For being a calm, resilient role model.

Week 4 - Dhanraj - For showing more independence in his writing.

Week 5 - Fidyan - For always being respectful of staff and his peers.

Week 6 - Victory - For being kind to her friends at playtime.


Spring 1 -

Week 1 - Ellie H - For a fantastic first week in Year 3/4. 

Week 2 - Fidyan - For working hard to work more independently.

Week 3 - DJ - For an improved, positive attitude to learning.

Week 4 - Brianna - For a super attitude to her learning and enthusiasm for our Greek day.
